The World of Gender Incongruence
I am a retired clinical psychotherapist, counsellor and hypnotherapist who specialised in
support for transgendered people and their families until my retirement in 2007. I was also
the spokesperson for Gender Identity Issues for the National Association of Counsellors,
Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists (NACHP). I have been an advisory member of the
committee for the ‘Royal College of Psychiatrists Intercollegiate Working Group on
Standards of Care for adult male and female patients with Gender Identity Disorder in the
UK’, a past chair of GIRES (The Gender Identity Research and Education Society), ex-
regional contact for the Gender Trust and a local activist for Press for Change. I was also
a member of the ‘Cambridgeshire Police Independent Advisory Group’ and a founder
member of ‘Encompass’. I have carried out research with Professor Simon Barron-Cohen
of Cambridge University on the ‘Cambridge Sex and Gender project’.
I founded ‘Sanctity’, a group who campaigned for the rights of couples, who were
married pre-transition, to remain married. Although it took time, the campaign was a
success and most of our aims have now been achieved. The final inequality is the right of
opposite-sex couples to form a civil partnership. This will, no doubt come in time.
I have appeared on numerous Television and Radio programmes to talk about transgender
issues (see media pages). I have provided interviews for local and national radio
programmes including news broadcasts and provided training and workshops for public
and private organisations and voluntary groups. I am happy to provide talks, training and
workshops to interested groups. Please contact me for rates etc.
The buttons below link to my ‘Guide to Gender Incongruence’ and to various support,
campaigning and research groups.
What is Gender Incongruence? You will probably know the terms Transgender,
Transsexual, Gender Dysphoria and Gender Identity Disorder, but none of
these phrases really encompasses the truth of the condition, which is both
extremely complicated and often misunderstood.
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