Xara Graphics Nikon DVD Xara @ www.emmamartin.net
This site was created using Xara Designer Pro 6 and is now being modified to include some of the new goodies in Xara DP7.  Xara is not just a web-authoring tool, but a complete set of tools wrapped into a single product for graphic design, photo  manipulation, web design, presentations and desk top publishing. Unlike most software of this type it is a vector based  system meaning that you can increase or decrease the size of objects without losing any resolution. Normally graphics and  photos loose definition after being saved and opened a few times. This doesn’t happen with Xara. It’s also the fastest graphics  software on the market according to their publicity and I have no reason to doubt those claims having worked with a number  of rival products. If you haven’t used it before you will be amazed at the speed. It makes Photoshop look positively  pedestrian!  Although I am by no means an expert, you can hopefully get an idea of  the flexibility by looking through the various pages. Check out the  Greyhound page to see my very amateurish ‘Flash’ example of a running  greyhound, again created entirely in Xara. It can also produce animated  gif files.   In the new version DP7 there is a brilliant ‘magic eraser’ tool that needs  to be seen to be believed.   Follow the links to see some examples.  
Note: links to examples coming soon.
Sanctity Xara